Supporting you to find mind-body harmony.

We help you to overcome your health challenges, with the right nutrition, science, and lifestyle to optimise your mind and body.

Our Approach.

Here at The Green Mind, our experts are University qualified and trained in nutrition and dietetics as well as neuroscience and psychopathology counselling. This means we can treat your body AND your mind as one. We offer consultation packages, resources, workshops, webinars and blog articles featuring cutting edge and evidence based nutrition, science and lifestyle hacks to optimise your body and mind.

We specialise in nutritional support and guidance in three key niche areas:

Nutrition for the Brain and Mental Health

Plant-Based Lifespan Nutrition including Paediatrics, Pre & Post Natal

Mindful & Intuitive Eating Skills: Healthy Food-Body Relationships

Individualised advice and education tools, personalised 'action plans' and meal plans, individualised nutritional analysis, interactive exercises, supportive nutraceuticals, pathology nutrigenomics testing and more!

Here’s how we can help…

  • 1:1 Online Consultations

  • Customised Nutrition Courses

  • Resources & Events

Do you want to improve your focus, energy levels or mental clarity?

Looking to improve your relationship with food or your body?

Feel like something is missing or imbalanced in your diet?

Seeking harmony in your headspace or would like to harness the tools of mindful and intuitive eating?

Suffering from mood swings, brain fog or a mood disorders such as depression, anxiety or something a little more complicated?

Tried other health and medical professionals and failed to get answers or results?

Our clients have been able to:

  • Break free from harmful diet practices and cycles of binges and restriction.

  • Find the right nutrients and lifestyle habits to optimise their brain chemistry, including for those who are neurodivergent.

  • Prevent or help slow down the progress of neurodegenerative diseases of ageing such as Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis and Dementia.

  • Reverse chronic diseases, tame inflammation and re-balance their hormones or fertility

  • Unlock energy, focus, mental clarity and a brighter, calmer mood

  • Meet all their nutrient needs from plant-foods and even start or support a healthy plant-based family. 

We work with people of all ages and diets to support a wide range of health concerns. Our plant-based lifespan nutrition starts with children from 4 months old all the way through to toddlers, children and teens, all stages of adulthood including mature ages as well as pregnancy and breastfeeding adults. We also support all genders and non- binary too.

We also respect all dietary preferences, your joy with food is our priority

Accredited Accreditied Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist

Amber S. Green - Owner @ The Green Mind | Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) | Nutritionist | Dip. Neuroscience Psych | PhD Candidate

Hi, I’m Amber…

I’m an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) and Nutritionist (AN) who specialises in Plant Based Nutrition and also has qualifications in Neuroscience and psychology. I call this Mind-Body Science and Nutrition.

I’m also the Founder of The Green Mind. I’ve been plant-based (vegan) myself for over seven years and have dedicated my career to supporting thousands of people to uncover the root cause of their health problems. My goal is to create tailored solutions to help reverse diseases, optimise health, create harmony between your mind and body, and help people thrive!

As a dietitian, I’ve been working in private practice and medical clinics for nearly a decade. Watching people come off their medications, fall pregnant after years of fertility complications, strengthen their immune system, regain energy and vitality for life, see their blood work normalise, raise a healthy family that blossom on plant-foods and watch people re-build a healthy and harmonious relationship with food and their body is my joy and passion.

I’m committed to supporting you to utilise the latest science on nutrition and the brain to help overcome your health challenges and be at your best, now and into the future.

Start your journey to better health today.